Snow worries!

Dear KCSA community,

Conference season is upon us! We will be attending the PASA’s 2021 Virtual Sustainable Agriculture Conference all this week. And KCSA’s own Farmer Frank is helping kick things off with a workshop on Tools and Strategies for Online Sales and Direct Marketing.

Frank is a dab-hand at computer stuff. Due to COVID19, he set up an online store for our Lansdale Farmers’ Market customers to pre-order veggies at the start of the 2020 season. We then used the same platform to offer winter veggies sales as a little bonus to members that signed up early for the 2021 season. Online commitment forms, online stores, Facebook, Instagram, website maintenance…he is very much a 21st century farmer!

The first sowing of the season was last week - some u-pick flowers and herbs. But things will be kicking off soon (where did January go?!) with our spring sowings of Swiss chard, scallions, bunching onions, collards, parsley, kale, minutina, spinach and even some peppers all scheduled for 2/14! As usual, we will be consulting the biodynamic planting character, the Stella Natura to determine their exact sowing time.

In other farm news, a hawk tried to land on my head. Seriously! A hawk tried to land on my head! I was sitting in the pick-up shed, early in the morning last Saturday with my hat and hood up, and it swooped in through the window, and hit the top of my head. As soon as I flinched, it high tailed it out the door and perched way up in the Maple tree. So, either my head looked like a good perch, or it thought it was breakfast! Luckily, both I and the hawk were unscathed. It is definitely the closest call I’ve had with a bird of prey!

Happy snow/sleet/ice day!
